
One way to implement n-dimensional interpolation is to use the fact that an n-dimensional interpolation can be expressed as a 1-dimensional interpolation of (n-1)-dimensional interpolations.

Therefore, we first can defined one dimensional interpolation functions as all higher dimensional interpolations can be expressed as multiple applications of these one dimensional functions.

These interpolation functions have static attributes that tell you how many data-points they need to operate. As an input they take the Data struct with the dimension set to 1. This Data struct is an n-dimensional array (internally using std::array).

One also needs to decide how to deal with the image boundaries. There are various ways to do this. Currently, only the following way is implemented.

Finally, two functions are defined that realise the nD interpolation. One is to extract the necessary data from a given image, the other one is to take a given position and interpolate that data.