Constant boundary

struct ConstantBoundary

Struct for dealing with n-dimensional image boundaries by returning a constant values for coordinates out of bounds.

Public Static Functions

template<typename T, int Dim>
static inline T apply(const pybind11::detail::unchecked_reference<T, Dim> &image, const std::array<int, Dim> &voxel_position, T background_value)

Apply the constant boundary to the given image and position.

  • image[in] The image to sample

  • voxel_position[in] The position at which to sample

  • background_value[in] The background value to use if the given position is out of bounds

Template Parameters:
  • T – The data type of the given image

  • Dim – The dimensions of the given image


The value at the given position using the rules defined by ConstantBoundary for positions outside of the given image.