Apply interpolation function

template<typename Func, typename ...Ts>
static Func::VALUE_TYPE interpolation::apply_func(const Data<Func, sizeof...(Ts) + 1> &chunk, double x, Ts... xs)

Apply Func to the given data and position.

  • chunk[in] N-dimensional array data for the interpolation. Needs the right number of points in each dimension, e.g. 4 for cubic interpolation. Should be nested arrays in C order.

  • x[in] The first coordinate value of the N-dimensional position at which to interpolate

  • xs[in] The last N-1 coordinate values of the N-dimensional position. One argument for each dimension.

Template Parameters:
  • Func – The interpolation order func

  • Ts – The type of the position coordinate values. This is enforced to be double


The interpolation value