
template<int Dim, typename T, template<typename> typename Func, typename BoundaryFunc>
void affine_transform::transform(const Eigen::Matrix<double, Dim, 1> &origin, const std::array<Eigen::Matrix<double, Dim, 1>, Dim> &dx, const pybind11::array_t<T> &input_image, pybind11::array_t<T> &output_image, T background_value)

Extracts an image from a given one with a given coordinate system.

  • origin[in] The origin of the coordinate system for the resulting image in the coordinate system of the input system.

  • dx[in] The vectors of the coordinate system of the resulting image in the coordinate system of the input system.

  • input_image[in] The image from which to extract data

  • output_image[inout] The image in which to store the results

  • background_value[in] The value to use for points outside the input image’s domain. Might be ignored by some boundary functions.

Template Parameters:
  • Dim – The dimensionality of the image data

  • T – The datatype of the image data

  • Func – The interpolation order to use

  • BoundaryFunc – The boundary function to use