Source code for affine_transform.affine_transform

"""Module containing functionality for applying affine transformations to nd images."""

import numpy as np

from . import _affine_transform

[docs]def transform( input_image, linear_transformation, translation, order="linear", origin=None, output_image=None, output_image_origin=None, background_value=0.0, ): """ Transform an image using an affine transformation. This function applies an affine transformation to an image, meaning, it first applies a linear transformation (a combination of rotation, scaling. etc) after which additionally a translation can be included. For the linear transformation, the origin of the coordinate system can be freely chosen. E.g. you could rotate an image of two spheres around their common center of mass instead of rotating around the image center or the original origin of the image data ("The lower left corner"). .. note:: The linear transformation is required to be invertible. Other properties of the given matrix are not checked. Furthermore, an option is available to choose how data is read from the given image, in case the affine transformation does not perfectly map pixels from the given image to the output image. This is the ``order`` of the interpolation. The data types of the input image can be anything that is convertible to :c:data:`np.float64<NPY_FLOAT64>`. If :c:data:`np.float64<NPY_FLOAT64>` or :c:data:`numpy.float32<NPY_FLOAT32>` arrays are given as input or input and output images, no copies are created. For all other input types, a :c:data:`np.float64<NPY_FLOAT64>` array is generated and the output image (if given) has to be of type :c:data:`np.float64<NPY_FLOAT64>`. Arguments --------- input_image : nd-array The data to transform linear_transformation : matrix A matrix of dimension ``(dim, dim)``, with ``dim`` being the dimension of the input data. translation : vector The translation part of the affine transformation order : {'linear', 'cubic'} The interpolation order to use for sampling the input image, default is ``'linear'`` origin : vector, optional The origin to use for the linear transformation. By default, the center of the image is chosen output_image : nd-array, optional The image used for storing the results. If not set, memory will be allocated internally output_image_origin : vector, optional If the `(0,0,0)` coordinate of the `output_image` should not coinside with the `(0,0,0)` location of the `input_image`, this parameter can be given. E.g. if you want to only extract a slice at `[:,:,x]`, this argument could be set to `(0,0,x)` background_value : optional The background value to use in case points outside the input image are sampled Returns ------- nd-array The given ``output_image`` or if not given a newly created array with the results Raises ------ ValueError If the dimensions of the given inputs mismatch, or the datatypes are incompatible ~numpy.linalg.LinAlgError If the given linear transformation is singular """ # check dimensions if not all(v == input_image.ndim for v in linear_transformation.shape): raise ValueError( f"The given linear transformation is of shape {linear_transformation.shape}" f" but should be of shape ({input_image.ndim}, {input_image.ndim})" " for the given input image." ) dtype = input_image.dtype if input_image.dtype != np.float64 and input_image.dtype != np.float32: dtype = np.float64 if not len(translation) == input_image.ndim: raise ValueError( f"The given translation has wrong dimensionality {len(translation)}" f" while the required dimensionality for the given input image is {input_image.ndim}." ) else: translation = np.asarray(translation, dtype=dtype) if origin is None: origin = np.fromiter(((x - 1) / 2 for x in input_image.shape), dtype=dtype) elif not len(origin) == input_image.ndim: raise ValueError( f"The given origin has wrong dimensionality {len(origin)}" f" while the required dimensionality for the given input image is {input_image.ndim}." ) else: origin = np.asarray(origin, dtype=dtype) if output_image is None: output_image = np.zeros(input_image.shape, dtype=dtype) elif not input_image.ndim == output_image.ndim: raise ValueError( f"The given output image has dimension {output_image.ndim}, but needs to have the same" f" dimension as the given input image with shape {input_image.ndim}." ) elif not output_image.dtype == dtype: raise ValueError( f"The given output image has dtype {output_image.dtype}, which is incompatible with" f" the input image dtype which requires the dtype {dtype}." ) if order == "linear": _transform = _affine_transform.transform_linear elif order == "cubic": _transform = _affine_transform.transform_cubic else: raise ValueError( f'Order was given as "{order}". But only "cubic" and "linear" are valid options.' ) if output_image_origin is not None: if len(output_image_origin) != input_image.ndim: raise ValueError( f"Given output image origin has dimension {len(output_image_origin)}, but needs to be" f"the same as the dimension of the given input image which is {input_image.ndim}." ) translation -= np.asarray(output_image_origin, dtype=dtype) # We transform the coordinate system, so we take the inverse linear_transformation = np.linalg.inv(linear_transformation) origin = (linear_transformation @ (-translation - origin)) + origin _transform( origin, linear_transformation.T, # columns input_image.astype(dtype, copy=False), output_image, background_value, ) return output_image